Thursday, September 12, 2019

SC emotions and english expressions

Activity Title: Twist and shout!


 - Practice speaking skill mainly as well as the rest of skills -LR 3 (1, 2, 4)
- Practice auxiliary verbs and simple structures -LR 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Connect students’ emotions to English expressions that they can use in their interactions with games and activities -instead of Catalan/Spanish. -LR 5.
- Increase self-esteem and class cohesion LR 5.


A. listen and repeat these expressions
B. Complete the sentences with when/if, for example: i love it when you help me.
C. in couples, invent a role-play for each emotion with a dialogue of at least two sentences.
D. do you know more expressions for each emotion?


i’m on top of the world
i’m over the moon
i’m having a great time
i’ve got ants in my pants


i’m in love with...
i love it
i like it very much
i like dancing/singing/playing...
i’m fond of sb/sth


you’re right
i can understand your position
i would feel the same
thank you for telling me
Sorry to hear that

get out of here
get off of me
go to hell
leave me alone
i’m about to blow up


i’m scared/afraid/frightened
i was petrified
that’s terrible/horrible
that’s disgusting/upsetting

i’m feeling down
i’m feeling off
i got the blues

D. can you imagine a game that might involve any or all of these emotions?
For example, sb suggests a dish, food, artist, song, activity and what would be your reaction.?

Did you practice speaking skills?

Did you like it? (you can answer with one of the sentences above).

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