Sunday, September 22, 2019


Activity Title: Sponge Cake - bizcocho

Materials: home-made sponge cake, tray, knife, napkins.


 - Thank students for serving us breakfast the day before,
- Practice some basic vocabulary -LR 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Increase self-esteem and class cohesion LR 5.

Development: First, have students taste it, then ask them to complete the activities.

1. Which of these ingredients are needed to bake it?

Milk-leche apple-manzana yougourth cinamon-canela spices -especias
eggs-huevos peach -melocoton flour-harina sugar blackberries -moras
salt lemon oil-aceite butter-mantequilla
yeast-levadura oranges water-agua figs - higos

2. Complete the instructions to bake it.

a. peel-pela ....
b. crack-rompe ............ and pour-vierte the content in a bowl
c. mix -mezcla ............................................... in one bowl
d. mix ................................................ in another bowl
e. add -añade.........................
f. pre-heat -precalienta the .................. at .................. degrees
g. put the tray in the owen and bake it.
h. wait for .................... minutes.
i. take it from the owen and serve it.


Did you practice all skills?

Did you like it?

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