Friday, March 26, 2021

IT - Party time .

link :

I like this movie because it's about some friends who go to party and the next day they don't remember


-A night the four of us we will never forget

Next Day

-Dont go in the bathroom ABB's calm down filth there is a tiger in the bathrooom 

-what's going on?

- there's a jungle cat 

-okay oh wait

-His not kidding there's a tiger there 

-yeah pitched gigantic

-Okay buddy?

-No i am in so much pain right now 

-god damn

-I know Phil they have my credit card downstairs I'm so screwed 

-How does a tiger get the bathroom he almost killed me 

-hey bro you mind putting on some pants  i find a little weird 

-i have to ask twice pants 


-Una noche que los cuatro nunca olvidaremos

Día siguiente

-No vayas al baño. ABB calma la inmundicia, hay un tigre en el baño.

-¿que esta pasando?

- hay un gato de la jungla

-Bien, oh, espera

-No es broma, hay un tigre ahí.

-sí lanzó gigantesco

-¿Está bien amigo?

-No, estoy sufriendo tanto ahora mismo

-Dios maldita sea

-Sé que Phil tienen mi tarjeta de crédito abajo, estoy tan jodido

-¿Cómo llega un tigre al baño? Casi me mata.

-hey hermano, te importa ponerte unos pantalones, me parece un poco raro

-Tengo que preguntar dos veces pantalones

it short video - mingo

Subtitulos del trailer de King Vs Godzilla

This is our only chance
We have to take it
We need kong
the world needs him to stop what's coming
And the child's
She's the only one he'll communicate with
I knew that they had a bond
She had nowhere to go, so i made a promise to protect her
And i think that in some way, kong did the same.
it's godzilla
These are dangerous times
Godzilla out there and he's hurting people, and we don't know why
There's something provothing him that er're not seeing here
i'm of the same opinion
The myths are real
there was a war
And they're the last ones standing 
Who bows to who?
Kong bows to know one

Ferran García

IT- short video David c.c grup A

Subtitulos: This special effect in flanders.
                 deceased according to us what we spefifice shopping.
                  Estos ringotes m.
                  everything goes.

  conclusion: I like this movie because the especial efecs is very original and the alien is veri real
                    and the caractes is the best of the movie.

It-Short video-Rubén C



One of the most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly

You will have your feathers, good

Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing the swish at flick everyone.

Wingardium leviosa.


And pronunciate wingardium leviosa off you go that song we got 

Wingardium Leviosa

stop stop stop, you're going to take someone's eye besides you're saying it wrong

It's Leviosa not levius 

Then if you're so clever go for on for

Wingardium Leviosa

Oh, well done, see here everyone this greatest done it, Oh, explendid.


Una de las habilidades más rudimentarias es la levitación o la capacidad de hacer volar objetos

Todos tendreis sus plumas, bien

Ahora no olvides el bonito movimiento de muñeca que hemos estado practicando el swish and flick todos.

Wingardium leviosa.


Y pronuncia wingardium leviosa fuera esa canción que tenemos 

Wingardium Leviosa

para para para, vas a quitarle el ojo a alguien además lo estás diciendo mal

Es Leviosa no levius 

Entonces si eres tan listo vete a por

Wingardium Leviosa

Oh, bien hecho, vean aquí todos este gran hecho, Oh, esplendid.


-I would like to take you today to a beginning of a new world

-you will make the difference

-I became a sailor to face difficulties

told me that I could pass any test that a man can pass

-all I ever wanted was one thing worth fighting for

Ladies and gentlemen, you are no longer Kansas, you are in Pandora

-you would have to see your faces

- We have an indigenous, a population named Na'vi, they are very difficult to kill

- that's why we are here, little this little gray rock sells for 20 million per kilo

- in its place a richer deposit rests and needs to be moved, these savages threaten our entire operation

-we are on the brink of a war we are supposed to find a diplomatic solution

-the concept is to drive these remote controlled things named avatara

-have grown from human dna combined with nadius dna

- a sailor is an avatar body is a powerful combination, if you do what I want I will get your legs back, your real legs

- yes, sir

- It seems to you that this is our avatar, just relax and put your mind blank

- it doesn't have to be difficult

- jack is very simple,

- I want you to learn from the inside, I want you to gain their trust

- you shouldn't be here, come back, it's all your fault

- I need your help

- You have gotten lost in the forest right, have you forgotten which team you play for?

- it is the strong prey of the i none does anything

-You have an hour

-you knew what would happen

-Everything will change

- jake is driving you crazy, quaritch is ruling and I can't stop him

we are going to face each other with firearms, with bows and arrows

-I guess it's better to stop it


-me gustaría llevaros hoy a un comenzamiento de un nuevo mundo 

-marcaras la diferencia 

-me convertí en un marinero para afrontar las dificultades 

me dijo que podía pasar cualquier prueba que puede pasar un hombre 

-todo lo que siempre quise era una cosa por la cual vale la pena luchar

señores i señoras ya no eres kansas estas en pandora

-tendrias que ver vuestras caras 

- tenemos un indigena , población nombrada  na'vi  son muy difíciles de matar 

- por eso estamos aqui, poca esta pequeña roca gris se vende por 20 millones el kilo

- en su lugar descansa un yacimiento mas rico i necesita trasladarse, estos salvajes amenazan toda nuestra operación 

-estamos al borde de una guerra se supone que encontraremos una solución diplomática 

-el concepto es conducir estas cosas controladas remotas nombradas avatara 

-han crecido a partir de adn humano combinado con el adn de nadius 

- un marinero es un cuerpo de avatar es una combinación potente, si haces lo que quiero conseguire que recuperes las piernas, tus piernas reales

- a si , senyor 

- te parece que este es nuestro avatar, simplemente relajaros i poner la mente en blanco

- no tiene que ser difícil 

- jack es muy sencillo,

- quiero que aprendas desde adentro, quiero que ganes su confianza 

- no tendrías que estar aqui, vuelve, todo es tu culpa 

- necesito tu ayuda 

- os habeis èrdido por el bosque verdad, has olvidado en que equipo juegas?

- es la presa fuerte del i ninguno hace nada  

-tienes una hora 

-sabias lo que pasaria 

-todo va a cambia 

- jake te esta volviendo loco, quaritch esta gobernando y no puedo detenerlo 

vamos a enfrentarnos  con armas de fuego, con arcos i flechas 

-supongo que es mejor pararlo

IT-Short video-Junjie

-Hey.Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.All right?

-Hola. No deixis que algú et digui que no pots fer alguna cosa, ni jo.

-All right.

-Tot bé.

-You have a dream,you gotta protect it.

-Tens un somni, ho has de protegir.

-People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you, you can't do it.

-La gent no pot fer alguna cosa ella mateixa, vol dir-te-ho, tu no ho pots fer.

-If you want something, go get it.Period.

-Si voleu alguna cosa, aneu a buscar-la. Període.

IT - Short Video - Martina  


  • haz lo que te digo y no te haré daño

  • do what i tell you and i won't hurt you

  • la mía es más grande

  • mine is bigger

Parker le dispara en la pierna

Parker shoots him in the leg

  • el tamaño no es lo que importa si no saber usarla

  • the size is not what matters if you do not know how to use it

  • ¿que quieres?

  • What do you want?

  • te dispare porque no hiciste lo que te dije, el chaleco antibalas no cubre las piernas, la próxima vez te daré en el ojo

  • he shot you because you did not do what I told you, the bulletproof vest does not cover the legs, next time I will hit you in the eye

  • ¿quien demonios eres?

  • Who the hell are you

  • Haz lo que te digo y pronto estarás en el hospital

  • Do what I tell you and soon you will be in the hospital

  • te atraparan

  • they will catch you

  • si, no te preocupes, solo es dinero, estas asegurado y me atraparan, levántate, recuerda que te estoy apuntando, ¿como te llamas? 

  • Yes, don't worry, it's just money, you're insured and they'll catch me, get up, remember that I'm aiming for you, what's your name?

  • Jack, me llaman Jack

  • Jack, they call me Jack

  • Camina rápido Jack, ¿cómo se llama tu compañero?

  • Walk fast Jack, what's your partner's name?

  • Oliver

  • Oliver

  • Le dirás: Oliver me dispararon, el me a ayudado y nada más

  • You will tell him: Oliver they shot me, he helped me and nothing else

  • Me dispararon, gracias a dios el me a ayudado

  • They shot me, thank god he helped me

Parker le apunta con la pistola en la cara

Parker points the gun in his face

  • Es pequeña pero duele 

  • She is small but it hurts

  • sabe que tenemos chalecos, te disparará en la cara, podemos terminar con esto para que pueda ir al hospital 

  • he knows we have vests, he will shoot you in the face, we can end this so he can go to the hospital

  • Bien Oliver ayuda a Jack a entrar al otro cuarto, necesito dinero

  • Well Oliver help Jack into the other room, I need money

  • sabes que te atraparan por esto

  • you know they'll catch you for this

  • si, Jack me a dicho lo mismo, siento lo de tu pierna Jack, quédate ahí un momento y llamaré a la ambulancia

  • Yes, Jack told me the same thing, I'm sorry about your leg Jack, stay there a moment and I'll call the ambulance


IT Short video - Pau

IT - Short Video - Aday

-Junto a la válvula de regulación está el indicador de la velocidad del aire, que señala?

-Next to the regulating valve is the air speed indicator, what does it indicate?

- 525 millas por hora. 

-525 miles for hour.

- Bien, muy bien. Ahora compruebe la altitud, es el reloj que está a la derecha del indicador de la velocidad del aire.

- Good very good. Now check the altitude, it's the clock to the right of the airspeed indicator.

- 35 mil pies, no espere 34 mil pies. No, está descendiendo rápidamente. Pero porque lo hace? ¡Ay dios mio! ¡El piloto automático se está deshinchando! 

- 35 thousand feet, don't expect 34 thousand feet. No, it is descending rapidly. But why does he do it? Oh Lord! The autopilot is deflating!

-  En el cinturón del piloto automático hay una válvula manual, saquela y sople.

- There is a manual valve on the autopilot belt, remove it and blow it out.

IT- short video - Nico 

You moved to a place like pasadena yo avoid stuff like this some puked allí over my front door dos these kids even parents it's ridiculous right 

Te mudaste a un lugar como Pasadena, evitas cosas como esta, algunos vomitaron allí sobre la puerta de mi casa, dos niños, incluso los padres, es ridículo, ¿verdad?

IT Short video - Pau

AFI Noemí Santana short video

Interviewer: Have you made a lot of Money out of your music?

Bob Marley: Money? I mean, what is a...How much much is a lot of money to you?

Interviewer: That's a good question. Have you made, say, millions of dollars?

Bob Marley: No

Interviewer: Are you a rich man?

Bob Marley: When you mean rich, what you mean?

Interviewer: Do you have a lot of possessions, a lot of Money in the bank?

Bob Marley: Possessions make you rich? I don't have that type of riches. My riches is life forever.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

IT - movie mortadelo and filemon

Jimmy :Let's start the fire works
Superintendent: and that's why you are here to lock jimmy for good

Mortadelo: Stool playing around

Truncated: Filemon

Roof breakers: a bomb

Jimmy: Aren't you beautiful

Truncated: Yeah he's my cousin

Jimmy: Comencemos los fuegos artificiales

SuPERINTENDENTE: i por eso estan aqui para encerrar a jimmy para bien

Mortadelo: Quiere dejar de jugar

Tronchamulas: Filemon

Rompetechos: Hombre una bomba
Jimmy: No so lindos
Tronchamulas: Es mi primo


Hi guys,

Today I'm going to tell you about my headphones, its basic features and capabilities, some information about the company that manufactures this product and why I bought it.

Razer is a company dedicated to the manufacture and sale of products for computer games. It was created in 1998 by Min-Liang Tan, Robert Krakoff and a team oengineers and salesmen to commercialize the first product of this company, a "gaming" mouse, the Boomslang, which brought the company to light with a large number of sales. Razer during its history has created many high quality products, these products are from laptops to peripherals, such as mice and headphones, and different accessories and "wearables".

For that reason, I decided to invest € 100 in these headphones, which offer incredible sound, are very futuristic designs and the quality is great. I have had these headphones for more than 5 years working correctly. They broke due to wear and tear, but if I take care of them more they could have lasted me an eternity.

I would buy them again without problem.

IT - Movie Mortadelo and filemon

Mortadelo: Watch out
Filemon what
Mortadelo: i said watch out
Super intendent This is a relative of yours

Mortadelo: Cuidado
Filemon: Que
Mortadelo: He dicho cuidado o me como la viga
Super intendente: Es pariente suyo

IT - Fragment of the pursuit of happiness - Jun yie

Chris Gardner
how are you good morning


FRIENDS - Paula Gómez

Monday, March 22, 2021

AFI - Short Video Transcribed - Adrián

Interviewer – What about Mr. Bean, have you drawn a line under him no more Mr. Bean?

Interviewee – You know, I doubt that he will reappear but um, but you never know you must never.

Interviewer – The people have spoken

Interviewee – Yeah, quiet.

Interviewee – But you know, you must never say never again film, as Jeff mentioned. So you must never say never but I you know you there does come a point when you feel as though you've done most of what you want to do with it.

Interviewer – And because it's not based on language because it's so physical Mr. Bean it simply its popular everywhere.

Interviewee – Yeah, it is it has what we might call the global outreach. So are holidays a misery? Can you go anywhere?

Interviewee – I can't go to many places where you're not recognized and it's the yeah, the thing I find most tricky is when people don't recognize you particularly but half recognize you, you know, that strange thing where they go. Is that? Because it means they stare. They stare a lot and they just look, feeling I wish that person wouldn't stare at me so, you know, I'd rather just you know, hold the flag saying yes.

Interviewee – Few years ago I was in a Land Rover parts department near Peterborough the kind of place. You find me almost. And waiting for car parts, you guys hang around a lot because you know to get a part the guy has to go half a mile to the back of the warehouse and then come back again and he brings it back and he says this is – this is a left-hand one. Oh you wanted to right-hand one. Sorry. I'll go. It takes forever. Anyway, I was standing around with a group of guys and I could see this guy doing that. And he came up to me after a while then he said, excuse me, I don't know I never told you, but you're the absolute spitting image of that Mr. Bean. Said well, actually, I am the actor who plays Mr. Bean and he said I bet you wish you were. Our conversation in which the more I tried to claim that I was the person. Whom he thought I merely resembled less he believed me. But what was funny? How was close he thought I was? He said the resemblance. Have you ever thought of doing any and you know look-alike work; long as Mr. Bean, he said you could make an absolute fortune. And I could tell after a while I had to bring the conversation to a close because clean not only was he not believing me, but he was getting quite annoyed. I was pursuing this line. I am Rowan Atkinson when and clearly he thought I was this total ass. Bit like Mr. Bean goes around the country actually claiming to be me.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


The first thing is to be honest with yourself.

You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself

And one of the most important weapons in changing yourself is to recognize that peace, I mean people everywhere in the world want peace.

If in these later years of a life lived in pursuit of equality, we can at last look upon our own country as one in which citizens, regardless of race, gender or creed, share equal political rights and opportunities for development, we do so with great gratitude towards the millions upon millions all around the world who materially and morally supported our struggle for freedom and justice.

I was in the company of great men, indeed. Some of them more qualified, more talented than I am. To sit down with them, to exchange views was one of the most revealing experiences I have. To sit down with those men and exchange views it enriched your own life.

It fortified your morality. It gave you courage, to do better than your best.

One of the mistakes which some political analysts make, is to think that their enemies should be our enemies.

Anybody who changes his principles depending on whom he is dealing with, that is not a man who can lead a nation.

You have a limited time to stay on Earth. You must try and use that period for the purpose of transforming your country into what you desire it to be. Democratic, non-racial, non- sexist country.

Humility is one of the most important qualities which you must have because if you are humble, if you make people realize that you are no threat to them, then people will embrace you, they will listen to you.

 Lo primero es ser honesto contigo mismo.

Nunca puedes tener un impacto en la sociedad si no te has cambiado

Y una de las armas más importantes para cambiarte es reconocer que la paz, me refiero a que la gente de todo el mundo quiere la paz.

Si en estos últimos años de una vida vivida en pos de la igualdad, por fin podemos considerar nuestro propio país como uno en el que los ciudadanos, independientemente de su raza, género o credo, comparten los mismos derechos políticos y oportunidades de desarrollo, lo hacemos con gran gratitud hacia los millones y millones en todo el mundo que apoyaron material y moralmente nuestra lucha por la libertad y la justicia.

De hecho, estaba en compañía de grandes hombres. Algunos de ellos más calificados, más talentosos que yo. Sentarme con ellos, intercambiar opiniones fue una de las experiencias más reveladoras que tengo. Sentarse con esos hombres e intercambiar opiniones enriqueció su propia vida.

Fortaleció tu moralidad. Te dio valor para hacerlo mejor que lo mejor que puedas.

Uno de los errores que cometen algunos analistas políticos es pensar que sus enemigos deben ser nuestros enemigos.

Cualquiera que cambie sus principios dependiendo de con quién esté tratando, ese no es un hombre que puede liderar una nación.

Tienes un tiempo limitado para permanecer en la Tierra. Debe intentar utilizar ese período con el fin de transformar su país en lo que desea que sea. País democrático, no racial, no sexista.

La humildad, es una de las cualidades más importantes que debes tener porque si eres humilde, si haces que la gente se dé cuenta de que no eres una amenaza para ellos, entonces la gente te abrazará, te escucharán.