Wednesday, March 25, 2020

GA COOKING as a speaking activity

IT LYRICS Stonehenge Marc L.

My life is so successful
I've got everything a man could ever need
Got a 1000 dollar haircut
And I even have a talk show on TV
And I know I should be happy, but instead
There's a question I can't get out of my head
What's the meaning of Stonehenge?
It's killing me that no one knows
Why it was built 5000 years ago
Why did they build the Stonehenge?
How could they raise the stones so high
Completely without the technology
We have today?
When I make my jalapenos
Calamari and prosciutto
I'm the king!
My wife applauds me in the kitchen
When I tell her all I bought is from the local store
And When the kids have gone to bed, we're all alone
She gives me a smile
Then she plays with my balls
But all I think of is Stonehenge
I think about it when I dream
The biggest henge

IT LYRICS Eageland Marc L.

"Jan Egeland"

Gray hair
And constantly working for peace
And the Oslo treaty plan
Oh my God, what a plan
Not as famous as Gahr Stare
Not a daddy's boy like Jens
But when handgrenades are flying
There's just one man you can trust
When there's war and all is hell
Send in Jan Egeland!
The United Nations superhero man
Mad dictator with a gun
Send in Jan Egeland
Oh, how I wish..
I was Jan Egeland..
Blue eyes
Firm hands
Nice legs
Clean shaved
Drinking his protein shakes
Skin cream
And buttocks like he was eighteen
He's a peacekeeping machine..
And he stares into the mirror
Flexing muscles in the night
And he says: "Boy, I think you're ready.. protect some human rights"
When there's war and all is hell
Bring in Jan Egeland!
The United Nations superhero man
He plays golf with Kofi Annan
And looks at maps with George Cloon
Oh, how I wish..
That I was Jan Egeland!
Egeland (Egeland)
Egeland (Egeland)
When he's sad he goes to funerals
In unusually heavy rain
Large amounts of water in his face
But that doesn't hide his pain
He breaks down just like a homo
And starts crying just like a girl
But I guess you can cry and still be a man
If your day job is saving the world!
When there's war and all is hell
Send in Jan Egeland!
He's a macho musclepumping..
Crying god!
If there's one man you should trust
It is the Janny-boy
Oh, how I wish..
That I was Jan Egeland!

Good afternoon Mingo, hope you're fine during this quarentene, I'm uploading these videoclips which are authentic jewels, I've known them for years but I still get a kick out of them whenever I watch them, they are a lot of fun, perhaps even for an English class, they are made by two Norwegean comedians, make sure you do take a look at them because they are worthy.

Bona tarda Mingo, 

espero que vagi be la quarentena i estigueu be, et passo uns videos que son autèntiques joies, fa anys que els coneixo pero encara em fotu un fart de riure, inclús els podries posar per a fer una activitat a clase perque de veritat que son brutals.... son uns videocilps d'unes cançons fetes per dos humoristes noruegs, mirate'ls perque de veritat que valen la pena..