Thursday, December 26, 2019


cookies with nuts

 250 g butter
    1 cup of oil
    Half a cup of sugar
    3 eggs
    1 baking powder (yeast)
    3 soup spoons of sesame
    1 Cup of grated walnut
    Flour according to the mixture

Mix the butter and sugar with vanilla.
Add eggs and oil, mix well and add nuts and sesame.

Then flour and yeast, to get a homogeneous and soft dough.
We make apricot-size balls, we press a little
then decorate with a spoon or decoration accessori.
Cook in a hot oven 180c °.
After it cools, sprinkle with sugar powder

-      These amounts produce approximately 60 units.
-      It can be kept for about a month at in the box, well closed.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

YOUTUBE VIDEO - Funny videos and descriptions.

Find out the Descriptions describing the actions on the video


- Treballar l’habilitat de llegir, RA1 i escoltar RA2 i parlar RA3
- Incrementar la varietat d’activitats a classe potenciant l’autonomia i creativitat,

Desenvolupament: per parelles descriviu el que passa a cada escena o be, busqueu la descripció corresponent entre aquestes.

1. kid on skateboard throws a basketball at the board ring, misses, falls down and the ball hits his head.

2. a girl flips over into the sea but falls or splashes on her tommy instead of diving head first.

3. fat guy walks on bar, loses his balance and falls down,

4. girl walks on tight rope loses her balance and falls down,

5. kid tries to kick off a football, misses and falls down, in falling, he successfully kicks the ball but backwards,

6. two girls are swinging on a swing set in a flooded playground, and one of the girls fell into the water.

7. girl attempting to cross over a stream on an old rotten fallen tree trunk that can’t hold the girl’s body weight. The trunk yields, breaks off and the girl falls into the stream,

8. two girls on the beach are hit by sudden wave that throws one of the girls rolling down across the swallow water.

9. kid in a gym runs along a bar, stambles, is about to fall down but hits the plinto infront of him with his head, the plinto is padded so he won’t be seriously hurt.

10. Senior citizen is standing up on a surfing board paddling when he lost his balance and fell into the water of a flooded street while his wife was watching him.

11. madure body is doing pull ups on a bar attached to a door, the bar lost the preasure to hold on to the door, yielded and the guy fell off the bar,

12. daddy and son are playing pretend with sticks for swords, the kid fell down in his attempt to hit his dad, the father stages some soft blows of his spare or sword on his son’s head, but the kid -unable to control his own strength- actually hit his dad on his crotch and his dad fell down really hurt ,

13. teenager sits down on the curve handrail of stairway and slides down, she loses her balance, falls off flips over and fortunately falls on her feet without getting hurt, she’s more concerned about making sure her friend taped the whole thing than in the real danger of being seriously wounded,

14. soldier trying to cross over a stream by walking on a thin tree trunk, but slips over, fell off and got off.

15. in the resting area of a park, kid jumps from one pilar to another, they are too far away one from the other, the kid missed and fell down, he could’ve got hurt if he had fallen on the pilar, but he fell on the ground, the father was very concerned and somewhat screamed to express his fear or prevent him,

16. clumsy guy sitting in a canoe on a dried deck gets into the water but turns around and got all wet,

17. in a water park, kid jumped on a giant inflatable slide from the top in an attempt to slide down, but he rebounded a couple of times on his way down and fell into the pool at the end,

18. at a typical birthday party, a young girl is using a baseball bat to break a piñata hanging from a tree branch, she swung the bat with skill, style and strength, missed and almost hit a guest and food on a table,

19. two kids are watching the sea water splashing against the rocks and through a hole. Suddently, a very strong wave hit their faces, the kids got scared, turned around and ran away.

20. mom helps her todler to throw a bowling ball across the floor, the kid tossed the ball slowly but on the middle of the track, the mother wanted to make sure the ball reached the pins but in her attempt, she slipped over the over, fell down, and hit the ball off the track.

Escull 5 de les 30 escenes comiques que falten i descriu-les fent servir aquest vocabulari.

Receta de Mo jie Lin

Oil bubble


chinese flour
Brown sugar
frying oil

First, prepare a large bowl and put in the flour and stir with water. Stir slowly with little water until it becomes a large ball.

Second, pour the oil into the pan, turn on the heat and heat up.

Third, when the oil heats up, use a chopstick to add flour to a ball and put it in the oil pan.

Finally, take out the oil fritters and put them on a plate.

Recipe Pop Cake Ainara Romera

  • Para el interior de estos cake pops puedes usar magdalenas, sobaos…, o puedes aprovechar cualquier resto de bizcocho de chocolate, de yogur…  Recuerda que debe ser un bizcocho algo seco (por eso vienen muy bien los restos) porque tendremos que hacerlo migas.
  • Empezamos desmigando el bizcocho frotando unos trozos con otros hasta que quede reducido a migas finas. Ahora tenemos que añadir algún elemento cremoso. En la mayoría de las recetas se añade queso tipo Philadelphia o Mascarpone, pero también puedes usar Nocilla o Nutella. La cantidad es de 3-4 partes de migas de bizcocho por 1 parte de queso o Nocilla. Mezclamos todo muy bien hasta que se forme una masa homogénea y moldeable. A la masa puedes añadir canela, un toque de miel o cualquier elemento aromático a tu gusto (esencia de naranja, limón, vainilla…).
  • Con unas cucharitas o usando unos guantes de látex formamos las bolitas. Las colocamos sobre bandeja antiadherente y las dejamos enfriar en la nevera para que cojan cuerpo un par de horas.


Para hacer la cobertura de chocolate blanco o negro sólo tienes que fundir una tableta de 75 gr a 75% de potencia en el microondas entre 1 y 3 minutos y añadir mezclando bien un par de cucharadas de nata. Tienes que usarla en caliente porque solidifica en seguida.
Sacamos los cake pops de la nevera, les pinchamos el palito y los vamos pasando por la cobertura y después por los fideos de chocolate, coco rallado… o la decoración que elijas. Los pinchamos al momento en el corcho que vayamos a usar para servirlos o en alguna fruta (en la foto yo he usado usado naranjas).
  • Si quieres para el interior puedes preparar un bizcocho a tu gusto del sabor que prefieras, bizcocho de chocolate, bizcocho con yogur de sabores… Mira recetas de bizcocho en la categoría DULCES Y REPOSTERÍA.
  • Un truco para que el palito quede bien sujeto es pincharlos en el cake pop para que se abra bien el agujero, sacarlo y pasar luego el palo por el chocolate de cobertura y volverlo a meter en el cake pop. Al solidificarse el chocolate el palito quedará bien sujeto.

· For the interior of these cake pops you can use muffins, sobaos ..., or you can take advantage of any remaining chocolate sponge cake, yogurt ... Remember that it must be a somewhat dry sponge cake (that's why the remains come very well) because we will have to do it crumbs.
We begin by crumbling the cake by rubbing some pieces with others until it is reduced to fine crumbs.
 ·Now we have to add some creamy element. In most recipes, Philadelphia or Mascarpone cheese is added, but you can also use Nocilla or Nutella. The amount is 3-4 parts of cake crumbs per 1 part of cheese or Nocilla. We mix everything very well until a homogeneous and moldable mass is formed. To the dough you can add cinnamon, a touch of honey or any aromatic element to your liking (essence of orange, lemon, vanilla ...).
·With a few teaspoons or using latex gloves we form the balls. We place them on a non-stick tray and let them cool in the fridge to take a couple of hours.

To make the coverage of white or black chocolate you just have to melt a 75 gr tablet at 75% power in the microwave for 1 to 3 minutes and add by mixing a couple of tablespoons of cream. You have to use it hot because it solidifies immediately.

We take the cake pops out of the fridge, we stick the stick and we go through the cover and then through the chocolate noodles, grated coconut ... or the decoration you choose. We puncture them at the moment in the cork that we are going to use to serve them or in some fruit (in the photo I have used used oranges).

If you want for the interior you can prepare a cake to your taste of the flavor you prefer, chocolate cake, cake with yogurt flavors ... See cake recipes in the category SWEETS AND REPOSTERÍA.

A trick so that the stick is well held is to prick them into the cake pop so that the hole is opened well, take it out and then pass the stick through the cover chocolate and put it back into the cake pop. When the chocolate solidifies, the stick will be well held.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

YOUTUBE video and comment - Sergio

Buenos días.
Good Morning.

Mi presentación es del colectivo fenimista las tesis, formado por cuatro mujeres que usan el arte a favor de la liberación femenina. Creadoras de la canción el violador eres tú, que se ha propagado por todo el mundo.
My presentation is from the thesis group, formed by four women who use art in favor of female liberation. Creators of the song the rapist is you, who has spread all over the world.

Yo le vengo a contar los signos ocultos de esta canción y cooreografía. Aunque sus significados están a simple vista.
I come to tell you the hidden signs of this song and choreography. Although its meanings are at a glance.

-          En el momento que hacen sentadillas con las manos sobre la cabeza, simboliza que las mujeres en Chile están siendo detenidas sin justificación y se les ordena hacer después de quitarse la ropa
At the time they do squats with their hands on their heads, it symbolizes that women in Chile are being detained without justification and are ordered to do after taking off their clothes

-          Llevan un atuendo llamativo, como ropa de salir de fiesta o que algunos considerarían revelador, como dice la letra de la canción,( la culpa no era mía ni donde estaba ni como vestía). Nada Justifica que un hombre te agreda o se aproveche de ti.
They wear a striking outfit, such as party clothes or that some would consider revealing, as the lyrics of the song says, (it was not my fault or where I was or how I dressed). Nothing. Justify a man attacking you or taking advantage of you.

-          Llevan los ojos vendados para señalar que son vulnerables y expuestas al peligro, pero aún así gritan, cantan y bailan libres como si nadie las viese.
They are blindfolded to indicate that they are vulnerable and exposed to danger, but still scream, sing and dance free as if no one saw them.

-          En la penúltima estrofa que dice:
Duerme tranquila, niña inocente,
Sin preocuparte del bandolero,
Que por tu sueño dulce y sonriente
Vela tu amante carabinero
Esos versos pertenecen al himno de la policía de Chile, y los utilizan para señalar la incongruencia entre lo que juraron proteger y los actos de represión que realizan contra su gente.
In the penultimate stanza that says:
Sleep easy, innocent girl,
Without worrying about the bandit,
That for your sweet and smiling dream
Watch your carabinero lover
These verses belong to the anthem of the Chilean police, and they use them to point out the inconsistency between what they swore to protect and the acts of repression they carry out against their people.

-          El titulo también hace referencia a la policía de Chile, quienes durante un tiempo tuvierón como slogan “un amigo en tu camino”
The title also refers to the Chilean police, who for a while had the slogan “a friend in your way”

-          Usan pañuelos verdes y violetas, los verdes a favor del derecho a decidir, y los violetas del feminismo
They use green and violet scarves, the green ones in favor of the right to decide, and the violets of feminism

Porque son ellas quienes conocen el terror de lo que podría sucederles por el simple hecho de ser mujer en esta sociedad
Because it is they who know the terror of what could happen to them by simply being a woman in this society

Anecdotas: en turkia se llevaron detenidas a mujeres  que realizaban esta performance y el estado de Chile considera delito por la estrofa donde aparece el  himno de la policía de Chile
Anecdotes: in turkey, women carrying out this performance were detained and the state of Chile considers it a crime for stanza where the anthem of the Chilean police appears


Rocky Balboa's inspirational speech to his son



- Treballar les quatre habilitats  de llegir, escoltar, escriure i parlar -RA 1, 2 ,3 i 4 del MP d’anglès tècnic,
- Practicar especialment la pronunciació de cada paraula i l’entonació de la frasse,
- Reflexionar sobre la producció oral de la nostra pròpia llengua o llengües,
- Incrementar la varietat d’activitats a classe potenciant l’autonomia i creativitat,


1. Escollir cinc frases de com a minim 50 paraules en total, es poden inventar però seria preferible tenir un suport auditiu i visual per afavorir la pronunciació, entonació i interpretació del fragment; pot ser un fragment d’una pel.licula, un anunci, el monòleg d’una audició o casting, un poema, etc... Assegura’t que el text és adequat al teu nivell en el grau de complexitat de vocabulari, conectors i estructures gramaticals -amb comparatius, condicionals, inversions, etc...

2. Cal escoltar-lo i escriure’l -si alguna paraula et resulta especialment difícil, canvia-la per una altra o inclou un sinònim mes senzill- posa-li un títol que el ressumeixi, assegura’t que entens totes les paraules, és a dir, indica la traducció, i inclou igualment la pronunciació figurada.

3. Senyala amb un color en el text que has escrit totes aquelles paraules com articles o preposicions que són tan comuns i bàsiques que gairebé no s’escolten en una conversa fluïda entre dos parlants,

4. Senyala amb un altre color igualment aquelles aquelles paraules que són les més importants per expressar el teu missatge – si és necessari, rectifica la pronunciació figurada de cada paraula segons la paraula que vingui despres.

3. A partir d’aquí, cal MEMORITZAR-LO. Com? Una possibilitat obviament és la repetició, un altra que recomanem especialment, es dividir el text en tres paràgrafs o frases i associar una imatge a cada frase. A partir d’aquest record hauria de ser més fàcil desenvolupar el text -recorda que el que més es valora d’aquesta activitat és la NATURALITAT com s’explica el fragment i si no es recorden les paraules exactament o s’usen altres similars ni té importància ni baixa la nota.

6. Una vegada, l’hagis memoritzat, juga amb l’entonació de cada frase, assegura’t que articles i pronoms no sonen tant, igual que fariem en la nostra pròpia llengua, mentre que altres paraules més significatives s’han de dir amb més força o poc a poc.

7. Assaja, grava’t a tu mateix i escolta’t, demana a algú que ho escolti i et dongui el seu parer,
8. Repeteix el procés fins que el teu missatge soni tan natural com sigui possible.
9. Proporciona al professor/a còpia del teu monòleg per fer fotocòpies, repartir-les als companys i així assegurar el seguiment de les explicacions.

Segons el marc teòric d’aprenentatge de llengües extrangeres, aquesta activitat afavoreix la formació d’hàbits de pronunciació i entonació que, més enllà del fragment escollit, s’aplicaran a la resta de la producció oral de la llengua extrangera.


Text to Speech - Voice processor:

How to prepare a monologue with examples of different sources:


S’han complert els objectius establerts i en quina mesura?


1.    What would you say is the most astounding/astonishing/stunning/amazing feat/deed that someone can achieve/accomplish in their lifetime? 

Uot vudiu sai is de moust astaunding fiit that somuan can achiiv in dear laiftaim?

Perhaps winning a prize or a championship, getting a highly paid job, becoming famous in any field, finding real love...

Pejaps wining a prais o(r) championship, geting a jaili peid job, bicoming feimas in eni fiild, fainding rial lov...

 Not really. I am totally convinced that any of you, any I said, if you practice hard enough, you might at least have a chance to succeed in whatever it is you set your heart on.

Not riali, aiam toutali convinsd dat eni ov iu, eni ai sed, iv iu practis jaad inef
iu maitat liist jav a chans to soksiid in uoteva iu set ior hart on

2.    In my modest experience, the hardest thing to do is FORGIVING.

In mai modest expirians, de haadest zing tu du is forgiving

You see? Most of the times, if we’ve been treated with aggressiveness, or criticism, or disdain/humiliation,  we are thus aggressive and critics to others.

Iu sii? Moust ov de taims, iv uiv biin triited wiz agressivness or kritisisom or disdein/ jiumilieishon, uiar das agressiv and crítics to oders

It’s difficult to forget... and it often creates a vicious circle that gets worse and worse. Let God deal with the things they do because grieve, resentment, bad blod in your heart will kill/ consume you too.

Its dificult to forget and avoid, and it ofen krieits a visios serkol dat gets uors and uors. Let god dial uiz de zings dei doo, bikós griiv in ior jaart uil kiliu tuu.

3.    For that reason, I believe that breaking the chains of unjustice done onto you is the most certain sign of personal success.

For dat riison, ai biliiv dat breiking de cheins of unllastis don ontu iu is de moust certen sain of personal suksess

Translation:   Reflexió personal basada en una cita de Will Smith

 Quina diriau que es la proesa mes increïble que qualsevol pot fer a la vida?
Potser guanyar un premi, un campionat, obtenir una feina ben remunerada, ser famós, trobar l’amor verdader...

No realment. Estic convençut que qualsevol de vosaltres si practica prou dur pot tenir al menys una oportunitat de triomf

A la meva modesta opinió, la cosa més dura de fer es PERDONAR.
Veieu? La major part de les vegades, si hem estat tractat amb agressivitat o critiques o humillats, llavors som agressius i crítics amb els altres.

Es difícil d’oblidar i evitar; i sovint crea un cercle viciós que es fa pitjor i pitjor.

Deixeu que Deu se n’ocupi d’ells perquè la rancor i la mala sang et matarà a tu també.

Per aquesta rao, crec que trencar les cadenes de la injusticia es la mostra mes certa d'exit personal

Thursday, November 28, 2019


I am very greatful for my family and friends, and also for my job and my students. Thank you. Mingo.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Review of Inversions and irregular verbs.

  1. a. construct several sentences with each form of several irregular verbs, infinitive, simple past, past participle.
    b. Construct these sentences following an inversion structure.

a. Spend spent spent -gastar
first column

imperative: spend as much as you can
don't spend so much money on silly things.

ps. I spend 600 euros a month in food for my whole family
I didn't spend too much on my car
I will spend a fortune in my next home
I wouldn't spend a cent in expensive clothes
I might spend some money on christmas lotto.
I used to spend some money on sweets.

if you spend too much money you'll be broke

2nd column is the simple past,

I spent four years studing in college

if I spent more time studing, I would have a better job.

3rd column is the past participle

I have spent some money on pizza this morning
I had spent quite a lot of money on cheese before beeing allergic to milk

I would have spent more time with my kids if I had had another job.

A lot of public money was spent to bail out banks in bankrupcy.


a. He didn't speak to me once
inversion: Not once did he speak to me

a. we didn't lend money to him once
inversion: Not once did we lend money to him

a. I don't buy cigarettes any longer
inversion: No longer do I buy cigarettes, i ask for them

a. He is hardworking and also reliable
inversion: Not only is he hardworking but also reliable

a. I have never had such a thrilling experience before
inversion: Never before have I had such a thrilling experience

a. I have never tasted such a delicious dish before,
inversion: Never before have I tasted such a delicious dish.

I rarely go to the doctor these days.
Rarely do I go to the doctor these days.

I knew little about his marital status,
little did I know about his marital status.

I had hardly started my class when a student felt sick
hardly had I started my class when a student felt sick

I realise I was right in everything only now
Only now do I realise I was right in everything,

i know you well - do i know you well?
i knew you well - did i know you well?
i've known you well - have i known you well?
i had known you well – had i known you well?

Oral presentation CG Santi

Santi' live.

Hello my name is Santi

I'm seventeen

I was born in the hospital in the red cross of hospitalet.

All my family was born in Argentina.

With six years I moved to Corbera.

I like playing a lot of sports.

I was federated in basketball one year. 
I was federated in football three years.
I was federated in futsal one year.

I like to spend all day in the street with my friends.

I've been working at my father's restaurant for four months.

I have been able to pay for this cooking course.

Finally, I want to be able to be chief of cocia and charge a lot.