Tuesday, March 14, 2017

MR 1617 INSO MP8 Revista Atlas

Pel·licula: efecto mariposa
Guio: inclomplet
Ambit: Medició comunitaria i escolar
                        It'll change your daughter from a
                        beautiful child into an empty shell
                        whose only concept of trust was
                        betrayed by her own sick pedophile
                        father. Ultimately, it'll lead to
                        her suicide. Nice work, daddy.
                       Es canviarà la seva filla d'una
                      bell nen en una closca buida
                      l'únic concepte de confiança era
                     traïda per la seva pròpia pedofília malalta
                     pare. Al final, va donar lloc a
                      seu suïcidi. Bona feina, pare.

                                    MR. MILLER
                        Who -- who are you?
                        Qui - Qui ets tu?

                        Let's just say you're being closely
                        watched, George. Your other option
                        is to get your porn off the rack and
                        treat Kayleigh like... oh, let's say
                        like how a loving father treats his
                        daughter. Sound okay to you, Papa?

Diguem que estàs sent molt de prop
vist, George. La seva altra opció
és aconseguir que el seu porno de la reixeta i
el tractament de Kayleigh com ... oh, diguem
com com tracta a un pare amorós al seu
filla. El so és bo per a vostè, pare?

                                    MR. MILLER

                        Listen close then, fuckbag. You screw
                        up again and I swear I'll flat out
                        castrate you.
                        Escolteu atentament a continuació, maleits .Cagues
                        de nou i et juro que a tota màquina et castrare.

                        One last thing.
                       Una ultima cosa.

                        Don't you ever touch me again.
                        No tornis a tocar-me
                                    MR. MILLER
                        I -- I won't.
                        No ho fare.

                        I'm cold. And I'm putting on my
                        Tinc fred i em poso la roba.

                        What you need to do is discipline
                        your son Tommy, because the kid's
                        one sadistic pup.
                   El què necessites fer és disciplina
                   el vostre fill Tommy, perquè el nen es
                   un sàdic


                                                             SMASH CUT TO:

              INT. SORORITY BEDROOM - MORNING - 2002


              EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - DAY - 1989

              INT. FAMILY RESTAURANT - DAY - 1989

              EXT. PLAYGROUND - DAY - 1989

              INT. MULTIPLEX THEATER - NIGHT - 1995

              EXT. JUNKYARD - DAY - 1995

              EXT. ANDREA'S HOUSE - STREET - 1995

              EXT. BUS STATION - DAY - 1995

              EXT. ANDREA'S NEW HOUSE - DAY - 1995

              EXT. LAKE - DAY - 1997


                                                                  BACK TO:

              INT. SORORITY BEDROOM - MORNING - 2002

                                    KAYLEIGH (O.S.)
                        Honey, are you all right?
                        Cariño, ¿estás bien?
Carinyo, com estas?

                        Oh my God, Evan. You're bleeding!
                        Look at you!

                       Dios mío, Evan. ¡Estàs sangrando!

Deu meu, Eva. Estàs ferit!
                             (transfixed by her)
                        Jesus, Kayleigh, you're...
                             (looks around)
    (Transfigurada por ella)
    Jesús, Kayleigh, eres ...
    (mira a su alrededor)
(transfigurada per ella)
Jesus, Kayleigh, ets…
(mira al seu voltant)

                        Mmmm... You give good compliment.
                        Clean up and come back to bed.
mmmm… tu dona un bon compliment
neteja i torna al llit

                        Where... where are my clothes?
                      On… on està la meva roba?
                        Those are your clothes, silly.
aquesta és la teva roba, tonta

                         WE FOLLOW HIM INTO:


                        This is too amazing! Un-fucking-real!
aixó ès massa increible! maleits!

                        I wish I could get so excited about
                        a nose bleed.
tan de bo pogues emocionar-me tant
una hemorràgia nasal.

                       Whoops. Sorry. My bad.
Whoop. perdó. Culpa meva

                        Hey, you were with those assholes
                        who threw popcorn at Thumper.
                        Hola estaves amb aquells estupids,
                        que van tirar les crispetes a el Trumper

                        And your name is... Gwen!
                        El teu nom es Gwen
                        Seriously, Evan. Lay off the blow.

                      EXT. COLLEGE - QUAD - DAY - 2002

                        Hey, uh, don't go freaking out on me
                        over this, but do you remember when
                        your dad first got his video camera?

                        Well I remember he had one... but
                        he, like, put it away after the first
                        day. Why would that freak me out?

                        I dunno.
                             (goofy smile)
                        Just being weird.

                        Such a goofus. See you tonight.

                           INT. DORM LOBBY - DAY

                             (to himself)
                        Come on, Mom, be there!

                                    ANSWERING MACHINE
                             (Andrea's voice)
                             (Evan's voice)
                             (a strange, older
                             man's voice)
                        And Chuck,
                             (all three)
                        Aren't home right now. You know what
                        to do.

                        Hi, Mom and, uh, Chuck. Just calling
                        to say hi and well, call me.

                        Thumper! What time is it, man?

                        Whasamatter? Lost your Rolex?


                        Fuck off, frat boy.

                           INT. COLLEGE CLASSROOM - DAY

                                                PROFESSOR CARTER
                        Remember, everyone! Only two weeks
                        until your science projects are due.

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