Sunday, January 10, 2021



Where did you spend your vacations?

I spent them at home with my family, we didn't travel around as we had planned last year.

Where would you have gone if not for the confinement?

We had planned to spend a week or so in the Canary Islands so we would've gone there if not for the restrictions to travel around.

Have you ever been there?

Yes, we have, a couple of times, 

How did you spend those long hours at home?

long hours but very short days! I usually spend my time with personal hobbies like bookbinding,

I buy leather, glue and some other materials, then recycle paper and cardboard, add personal pictures, etc... and this was the result last summer:

at a BBQ party with some friends and me at 13

But these holidays I didn't feel like that and I spent most of the time building up this porch:

and I also made this exercicing ladder to stretch out, it's like having a personal gym at home... if I actually come around to use it!

I still have to attach it to the beams of the porch; as soon as I have the iron supports, I'll fix them up.

Besides that, the usual chores of cutting wood for the fire place and collecting manure for the vegetable garden, 

which I needed to plant an apple tree, a cherry, an orange, a chestnut, and a tangarine tree. I've been working so hard physically that I hope I can relax a little bit when I go back to school.

Cutting wood is an exhausting chore but the most magic moments of the day and night just take place around the fire place, then it all pays off: simply watching the capricious flames dancing and hypnotizing you while you dwell on the activities of the day, or sharing the fire place with family and friends while talking, playing board games or watching a film.

What movies did you watch?

I have watched Hereafter, Revolutionary Road, Wide Eyes Shut, Midnight Sky, Inception, Outlanders and Leap Year. 

Which one is your favourite?

Inception hands down! 

Using dreams is a well-known topic for story telling, even lucid and share dreams is not so uncommon;  but actually transforming dream therapy into an action movie with several simultaneous time lines is superb! -and not to mention the display of our own thought projections as aggresive and threatening characters that keep the story rolling.

 Very much in the line of like Matrix.

What about music? Did you listen to something special these vacations?

For some reason that I can fully understand I keep listening to this folk and country family band, The Petersen.

and also this videoclip from la Oreja de Van Goh

Have you read any book this holidays?

No, I didn't do much reading lately, with the only exception of what I write myself, I like writing, every day for the last almost 30 years I've been writing down little personal stories about a page or two pages long in English, like a journal.


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