Monday, January 11, 2021



Imagine you are about to set forth on a six-hour car ride and you would like to have some background music. Write a list of the songs that you would like to download on your pen drive to listen to. Songs should be classified into at least five folders, by different emotions like in the example, or by singer, or by genre, etc... at least, twenty titles en each folder.

When you finish, take a picture of your list, and upload it to your personal folder.


Then you should actually download all those songs into your pen drive and bring it to class.

Imagina que vas a salir en un viaje de coche de seis hora y te gustaria tener algo de musica de ambiente. Escribe una lista de canciones que te gustaria bajar a tu pen drive para escuchar. Las canciones se deben clasificar en cinco apartados o carpetas como minimo, sea por emociones como en el ejemplo, o por interprete, o por genero, etc... Al menos veinte titulos por carpeta o apartado.

Cuando acabes, haz una foto y subela a tu carpeta personal.


Despues, debes realmente bajarte las canciones a tu pen drive y traerlo a clase.

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